Life at Gunpoint
The mythical interpretation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution originated, not surprisingly, with an NRA gathering in Texas in the 1950s, sponsored, not surprisingly, by the gun industry, that saw (correctly) huge profits to be gleaned from paranoia. The origins, of course, are and were racism. It was very simple, really. When the Constitution was being written, Southern delegates to the convention, led by Patrick Henry, were very worried about the dread possibility that slavery might be abolished in the New Republic; or even worse, that slaves would be inspired to rebel, should any of them be able to read, or overhear discussions regarding 'freedom,' and might wrongly construe that it somehow might apply to them; thus goading them to act inappropriately, i.e. revolt. Mr. Henry, a prominent Virginia lawyer as it happened, owned 110 slaves, and other family members many more. His worry was very simple: there must be a readily available means for putting down any poten...