Male Chauvinism Hits the Road
Like anyone who lives in a major (or even minor) metropolis, I have to contend with traffic, and hate every living moment of it. It's not just the volume, which is out of hand in most cities. I suspect that even those cities with good public transportation, which Seattle--where I live--totally lacks, have traffic to contend with. But it's not just the traffic. It's the people driving in it. According to my own highly unscientific survey, a good ten percent of all drivers out there totally suck. And by that I mean they are not just bad drivers. I mean they are evil . Aggressively, belligerently evil. Or at least stupid, thoughtless, arrogant, obnoxious, repulsive--make your own list of adjectives. I am talking about drivers who do things like cutting you off without using a turn signal. Or crossing three lanes in front of you at high speed. You could make your own list of the offenses. It's bad enough not signalling before changing lanes or making a turn. Much as that ...