For the Price of a Latte...

I was raised in a Quaker family in which it was improper to 'blow your own horn.' This is a terrible handicap, for someone who works in a competitive field in which there are now several million books on the market, and I must somehow elbow my way to the top of the list, which is all but impossible. And yet what a small investment it is to purchase a book! I visit coffee shops that are frequented by people on a daily basis, busy working their Macs over a hot latte and bagel. Both of which, combined, cost well over the price of a Kindle. Yet how many hours of pleasure will a latte give you? One at the most. Whereas a good book will give you ten times that, or more, and you can repeat it any time for free. What a deal!

So here is my plea and my pitch: please take a look at my website. Or visit my book site on See for yourself. Read the five star reviews. Read the blurb. Read a few pages. A lot of work and a lot of years went into my new book Red Tide. I think they were worth the effort. I think you will agree.

At worst you're out one latte. You can get another tomorrow.


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